HAVE A LOOK AT THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC PAPERS WRITTEN BY THE INSIDER PARTNERS! New INSIDER publications are now available! The first one is entitled “Radiological characterisation in view of nuclear reactor decommissioning: On-site benchmarking exercise of a biological shield“. The second article is entitled “Recommendations for the selection of in situ measurement techniques for radiological characterization in nuclear/radiological installations under
HAVE A LOOK AT THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC PAPERS WRITTEN BY THE INSIDER PARTNERS HERE! Classification and categorization of the constrained environments in nuclear/radiological installations under decommissioning and dismantling processes. F. Aspe, R. Idoeta, G. Auge & M. Herranz. Metrology applications to D&D issues: issues at stake for INSIDER European project. D. Roudil, M. Crozet, S. Picart, B. Russell, M. Herranz, S. Boden,
A K. Nothstein, U. Hoeppener-Kramar, L. Aldave de las Heras, & B C. Russell published in the International Journal for Nuclear Power (Vol. 64, 2019, Issue 8/9 August-September) a paper titled “Review of analytical methods used in Nuclear decommissioning. Application vs. aspiration-and EU-wide survey of methods in radioanalytical chemistry”.
The ICNDWMT 2019: 21st International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management Technology (from 25-26 June, in Paris, France) aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management Technology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and
ACI’s 6th Nuclear Decommissioning & Waste Management Summit will be taking place in London (UK), on 20th & 21st February 2019. The two day event will bring together senior executives from the key industry stakeholders from energy providers, plant owners & operators, industry consultants & experts, lawyers, purchasing and procurement management professionals, nuclear regulators, nuclear technology companies, industry investors, asset management companies, nuclear engineers and safety