Proper physical, radiological and chemical characterization of nuclear plant areas are a necessary precondition to successfully select viable dismantling methodologies and classify and segregate the different impacted (e.g., contaminated, activated) zones and materials. Acting on the upstream stage of the dismantling process is fundamental for an adequate management of all waste categories. As such, initial characterization is an essential part
In October 2021, Insider attended the CETAMA seminar. CETAMA is a CEA unit that was created 60 years ago in order to improve the quality of results and to promote good practices within the analytical laboratories of the nuclear sector. On the occasion of its 60 years of existence, CETAMA organized, from October 19 to 21 at the Musée de
The INSIDER Final Workshop took place in the Palais des Papes of Avignon (France) from 16-17 September 2021. The workshop highlighted the results of the research carried out in INSIDER and focused on the Circular Economy in the context of nuclear decommissioning and dismantling operations and of nuclear waste management. Around 40 participants took part in this workshop both in Avignon and
Four years after the launch of INSIDER, the Final Workshop will to take place on 16 & 17 of September 2021 in Avigon, France. This workshop be a great opportunity for participants to meet and to present the final results of the project. Key findings from the research carried out in INSIDER will be highlighted. The Final Workshop will have a special focus on Circular Economy in
Have a look at the latest scientific paper written by the INSIDER partners! A new INSIDER publication is now available. This review paper is entitled “State-of-the-art and challenges of non-destructive techniques for in-situ radiological characterization of nuclear facilities to be dismantled” and has been published in the Nuclear Engineering and Technology Journal. The paper has been written as a result
New approach streamlines decommissioning process thanks to 3D model mapping radioactivity more accurately The nuclear research centre SCK CEN, an INSIDER consortium member, has developed a 3D model to considerably reduce the footprint of decommissioning. With this new approach, used concrete from a nuclear plant can be given a second life in the construction sector, more often than has previously been
The EU-funded project CHANCE (Characterization of conditioned radioactive waste) organizes a webinar series on characterization. Two webinars are planned at this stage: The first CHANCE webinar is planned on June 18th afternoon. The topic of this webinar is the Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy: Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) as an innovative technique to characterize outgassing of radioactive waste. During this webinar, a
The 60 years celebration of the CETAMA’s existence will take place in October 2021, in Nîmes, France, with the support of the INSIDER project. About CETAMA The Commission d’ETAblissement des Méthodes d’Analyse (CETAMA), a unit of CEA, was created in 1961 by the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy in order to improve the quality of results and to promote good
The yearly INSIDER newsletter is now online! Find in this third edition the latest achievements and results generated in the project, plus the new reports published in the field of nuclear and radioactive waste characterisation and management. READ MORE
From 22 to 23 October, the SHARE project invited other EU initiatives in the field of characterisation and treatment of waste at its meeting consortium, among them the INSIDER project. During this two-days event, INSIDER was presented in terms of characterisation approach as a potential contribution to the SHARE synthesis of international developments and guides. SHARE organized a 2-days workshop