

INSIDER presentation at the NWMDER Conference

The INSIDER porject and its key achievements were presented at the 4thNuclear Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration (NWMDER) Conference organised in Ottawa (Canada), from 8-11 September. In partnership with SCK•CEN and CEA, Yvon Desnoyers (Geovariances) gave a presentation titled “H2020 INSIDER project: Progress on sampling strategy and implementation on use cases” which was coupled with the submission of a dedicated scientific paper.


EPJ-N special edition – Call for INSIDER papers

There is still time to send your paper and get published in a special edition of the European Physical Journal Nuclear (EPJ-N)! The INSIDER project will be part of a special issue of the European Physical Journal Nuclear (EPJ-N). This new edition will include the first results of the research carried out in INSIDER and cover the focus on “Step change innovation

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WP4 achieved reference materials fabrication

The fabrication of reference materials by CMI and NPL, in Work Package 4 – Reference materials and radiochemistry, are almost ready for the intercomparison exercise. Each lab will receive a spiked aqueous sample that simulates the activity in tank waste at Ispra site of JRC (Italy), and a spiked concrete sample based on Bioshield concrete at SCK-CEN. Participating labs will

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Presentation at the EURADWASTE conference

Taking place in Pitesti (Romania) from 4-7 June 2019, the EURADWASTE international conference was organised by the European Commission in a context of a decarbonisation of the energy and energy mix. The support for the development of nuclear energy in the energy mix remains a priority in Europe. The European Union is the world’s leading player in the deployment of standards

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A software for statistical approach

In Work Package 3 – Sampling strategy, the INSIDER partners worked on a first draft for a strategy for data analysis and sampling design based on statistical approach for initial nuclear site characterisation in constraint environments before decommissioning.   Read the full article by clicking here


The INSIDER case studies validated

At the beginning of the INSIDER project, three major uses cases had been identified for benchmarking the technologies and some partners offered facilities: case 1: decommissioning of a back/end of fuel cycle and/or research facility case 2: decommissioning of a nuclear reactorc case 3: post-accident remediation of a site The different options had been compared in terms of significance, feasibility,

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The third INSIDER meeting took place in Bilbao (Spain) from 20-22 May 2019.  It was followed by a mid-term workshop that highlighted the first results of the research carried out in INSIDER and focused on “Step change innovation in radiological characterisation”. Around 60 participants took part in this workshop. After a series of panel discussions, the topical session was centered on three core

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INSIDER partners attended the DEM 2018

From 22-24 October, the international DEM conference took place in the French city of Avignon. Organised by the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN), this event was titled “Dismantling challenges: industrial reality, prospects and feedback experience”. It gathered more than 480 participants coming from 26 different countries. Several INSIDER partners attended it and gave presentations about the project itself and its

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INSIDER presented at the NKS-B RADWORKSHOP 2018

From 8-12 October, the NKS-B RADWORKSHOP 2018 took place in Roskilde (Denmark). During this 3-day event, Danièle Roudil gave a detailed presentation of INSIDER, a Horizon 2020 project that she is coordinating. Launched in June 2017, INSIDER aims to optimise radioactive waste identification during nuclear decommissioning and dismantling operations (D&D), in particular concerning nuclear power plants, post-accidental sites or nuclear

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First on-site benchmarking exercises in INSIDER

As one of the INSIDER partners, SCK-CEN welcomes the first on-site benchmarking exercises in its centre of Mol (Belgium). Dose rates, total gamma and gamma spectrometry measurements will be carried out under restricted conditions in the biological shield of the Belgian Reactor 3 (BR3). Under dismantling, this reactor is part of the INSIDER case n°2. Discover all the three case

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