As one of the INSIDER partners, the Joint Research Centre (JRC Science Hub) set up an INSIDER Knowledge Platform to foster learning exchange in the field of decommissionning and radioactive waste management of nuclear facilities and restoring sites. Experts and young generations of researchers will access here knowledge generated through past and on-going R&D projects across the EU. TOPICS COVERED Sampling
As one of the INSIDER partners, LNE collaborated with AFNOR to establish a mapping of existing standards directly linked to INSIDER’s topics. More than 270 documents have been identified from: Association française de normalisation (AFNOR) American Petroleum Institute (API) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Electrotechnical Commission
In the frame of the INSIDER project, an experimental benchmark is planned to test the characterisation methodologies developed in the project on some real cases of ongoing decommissioning projects. After having performed the first exercise on the biological shield of a nuclear reactor, the second one has started in October 2019. This new exercise deals with the characterisation of two
At the beginning of the INSIDER project, three major uses cases had been identified for benchmarking the technologies and some partners offered facilities: case 1: decommissioning of a back/end of fuel cycle and/or research facility case 2: decommissioning of a nuclear reactorc case 3: post-accident remediation of a site The different options had been compared in terms of significance, feasibility,