Tag: Ispra


Second on-site benchmarking exercises completed

The INSIDER project is developing a validation method of the radiological characterisation for the nuclear installations under decommissioning and dismantling (D&D) process. The in-situ benchmarking exercises are a fundamental part of this objective, and the first round was completed in 2018. Within the frame of INSIDER and in the autumn 2019, the second on-site benchmarking exercise was carried out at the JRC

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Second set of INSIDER in-situ measurements

In the frame of the INSIDER project, an experimental benchmark is planned to test the characterisation methodologies developed in the project on some real cases of ongoing decommissioning projects. After having performed the first exercise on the biological shield of a nuclear reactor, the second one has started in October 2019. This new exercise deals with the characterisation of two

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First INSIDER Training Course in Italy

The European Learning Initiatives for Nuclear Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation (ELINDER) is a training programme in nuclear decommissioning. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission organised a specific training course on Metrology for Radioactive Waste Characterisation and Clearance in Ispra (Italy) from 16 to 20 September 2019. This is one of the four courses dealing with a more in

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INSIDER Second Project Meeting

The second INSIDER project meeting took place in Ispra (Italy) from 5 to 7 June. After nearly one year, it was a great opportunity for partners to meet and share the first results of the research carried out on improving nuclear waste minimisation and characterisation. “It is important to maintain the effort and the involvement,” encouraged Danièle Roudil, coordinator of

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Second INSIDER Consortium Meeting

The second INSIDER Consortium Meeting will take place in Ispra (Italy), from the 5th to the 7th of June 2018. Nearly one year after the launch of the project, this event is a great opportunity for participants to present the progress of their work and exchange on their findings and methodologies, as well as to plan future actions. This event will be hosted by the Joint Research Center (JRC),

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Second INSIDER Consortium Meeting – Save the date!

Save the date! The second Consortium Meeting of the INSIDER project will take place in Ispra (Italy), from the 5th to the 7th of June 2018. Nearly one year after the launch of the project, this event is a great opportunity for participants to present the progress of their work and exchange on their findings and methodologies, as well as to plan future actions. This event will be

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